From Main Street to Wall Street

Bok av Alex Gennaro
I knew from a young age that I wanted to make a lot of money, and a career in Finance seemed to be the best track to that end. As I grew older, and further exposed to this field through friends, family, and the media, I learned more, and became even more intrigued and focused. By high school graduation I knew where my passions lay, and a future on The Street became my dream. But few worthwhile accomplishments in life come easily, and, likewise, my path was fraught with obstacles and frustrations. I learned a lot through this process, and present here my trials, tribulations, and lessons learned which hopefully will benefit those who come after me with similar goals and aspirations. The process of procuring a position on The Street is no picnic, and my personal challenges, defeats, and successes are a story worth telling. Equally so, my experience once hired, and the knowledge gained as a newbie in a Financial firm, have a value all their own. I hope to pass along my hard-knocks to the next generation of Wall Streeters. I wish I had such advice when I was at the starting line.