How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck : How to take control of your money and your financial freedom starting today Volume 1

Bok av Phil Wall
How to take control of your money and your time? How to enjoy your money and be able to save at the same time? How to achieve financial freedom and be the head of your life? Do you struggle with these issues? We'll explain different ways to achieve financial freedom and take control of your money and your time today. In this book you will learn: 1.    How to prepare a real budget 2.    How to reduce your expenses 3.    Tips to save money 4.    Manage credit cards 5.    Learn how to save money 6.    And much more Achieving financial freedom can be obtained in several ways, not only by making more money. We need to start by tidying up our finances and starting to save. That it's something we haven't been taught since we were little. Is saving your money and enjoying it at the same time possible? The answer is yes.  Click on buy now to get on the path for growth!