Resurrecting Jesus : the earliest Christian tradition and its interpreters

Bok av Dale C. Allison
Jesus remains a popular figure in contemporary culture and Allison remains one of our best interpreters. He speaks around the U.S.A. in a variety of venues on matters related to the study of the Historical Jesus. In his new book, he focuses on the historical Jesus and eschatology, concluding that the Jesus was not a Hellenistic wonder worker or teacher of pious morality but an apocalyptic prophet. In the opening chapter Allison astutely and engagingly captures the history of the search for the historical Jesus. He observes that many contemporary readings of Jesus shift the focus away from traditional theological, Christological, and eschatological concerns. In provocative fashion, he takes on not only the Jesus Seminar but also other Jesus interpreters such as N.T. Wright and Marcus Borg.