Ex-Felon Voting Rights in Florida : Revised Rules of Executive Clemency That Automatically Restore Civil Rights to Level 1 Offenders Is the Right Policy

Bok av Florida State Advisory Committee
The civil rights movement of the United States was a struggle to bring equalityunder the law to all Americans. To achieve these goals, groups would partake in actsof civil resistance aimed at achieving change by nonviolence. The movement has had alasting impact on American society through success in increasing the social and legalacceptance of civil rights and triumph in exposing the extensiveness of racism.These struggles and strides to better the US social structure are seen in the reportsof the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, documenting new policies, detailing problemswith the current laws, and describing new tactics to use to solve these issues. This2collection of publications range from historic documents published in the heart of themovement to reports released in the new millennium, and features works like: Bigotryand Violence on American College Campuses, Enforcing Religious Freedom in Prison, andStereotyping of Minorities in the News Media. This publication is part of this collection.