The Design of Innovation : lessons from and for competent genetic algorithms

Bok av David E. Goldberg
7 69 6 A DESIGN APPROACH TO PROBLEM DIFFICULTY 71 1 Design and Problem Difficulty 71 2 Three Misconceptions 72 3 Hard Problems Exist 76 4 The 3-Way Decomposition and Its Core 77 The Core of Intra-BB Difficulty: Deception 5 77 6 The Core of Inter-BB Difficulty: Scaling 83 7 The Core of Extra-BB Difficulty: Noise 88 Crosstalk: All Roads Lead to the Core 8 89 9 From Multimodality to Hierarchy 93 10 Summary 100 7 ENSURING BUILDING BLOCK SUPPLY 101 1 Past Work 101 2 Facetwise Supply Model I: One BB 102 Facetwise Supply Model II: Partition Success 103 3 4 Population Size for BB Supply 104 Summary 5 106 8 ENSURING BUILDING BLOCK GROWTH 109 1 The Schema Theorem: BB Growth Bound 109 2 Schema Growth Somewhat More Generally 111 3 Designing for BB Market Share Growth 112 4 Selection Press ure for Early Success 114 5 Designing for Late in the Day 116 The Schema Theorem Works 6 118 A Demonstration of Selection Stall 7 119 Summary 122 8 9 MAKING TIME FOR BUILDING BLOCKS 125 1 Analysis of Selection Alone: Takeover Time 126 2 Drift: When Selection Chooses for No Reason 129 3 Convergence Times with Multiple BBs 132 4 A Time-Scales Derivation of Critical Locus 142 5 A Little Model of Noise-Induced Run Elongation 143 6 From Alleles to Building Blocks 147 7 Summary 148 10 DECIDING WELL 151 1 Why is Decision Making a Problem? 151