First Among Equals

Bok av Radomir Putnikovic
'First Among Equals' is a collection of fables about the world as it is today. This is an extraordinary zoo where the beasts of our time are presented. Capitalist sharks, opportunist politicians and spin doctors, bankers without scruples, flies brain-washed by soap operas, corrupt senators, rat pack journalists. These fables have been written with courage, and need courage to read them. Any feeling that we may have left within us examines our moral values which have existed for centuries. The fight for the truth is more important to the author than survival; he believes that by opposing deviation in today's world, in spite of everything, will bring hope, and thereby open a road to a new beginning. Sooner or later evolution will bring a man from the chaos of our material world. The author is a master of fragments. He is writing with style, provoking intellect, with wit and irony.