The art of hypnotic regression therapy [electronic resource] : a clinical guide / C. Roy Hunter, Bruce Eimer

Bok av C. Roy. Hunter
Hypnotic Regression Therapy, or HRT, is a type of hypnotherapy in which, following the induction of a good trance state, specialized suggestions are given to guide the client in reviewing and emotionally reframing earlier experiences that have either caused or contributed to the client's current symptoms. This book provides all the skills, advice and techniques needed to understand and carry out HRT. This book addresses the dangers of mishandled hypnotic regression by presenting an organised, clientcentred approach. You will learn when and how to use HRT effectively to help clients discover and release the causes of their problems and symptoms. The authors emphasize the importance of avoiding inappropriate leading and how to explain the risk of false memories to clients. They also clearly address the controversies about false memories and the handling of the emotional release that usually occurs during hypnotic regressions.