Backwoods College: When the Education You Received Was Not Ivey League

Bok av Dr John Mcelhaney
This book is kind of a continuation of my book, When God Will Not Let Go . I have added more experiences in my early life and show how a back woods education is so much superior to an Ivey League education especially in the things that are importin. I talk about the morals we learned growing up in the back woods. Also, the respect for others and especially our elders. I talk about the joy of living with what we had and not even knowing we were poor. I talk about Coon hunting and Goats milk, fishing and White Trash. I have my family tree all the way back to Ireland on my father s side and back to Germany on my mother s side. I also talk about Church, rearing children, travel and many other things. I think you will enjoy this book.