Phenolic Resins : chemistry, applications, and performance : future directions

Bok av Louis A. Pilato
In 1983/84 American Chemical Society, N.Y., Kammer der Technik, Berlin/GDR, and chemical companies closely associated with phenolic resins underscored the embryonie efforts ofLeo H. Baekeland and celebrated the 75th anniversary ofthe frrst wholly synthetic plastic material during symposia held in Washington, D.C., August 1983, and Berlin, September 1984, respectively. Since their introduction in 1910, the highly versatile family of phenolic resins has demonstrated an important role in the continuing development ofthe electrical, auto motive, construction and appliance industries. In the 80's the wave ofhigh technology has fostered their active participation in "high tech" areas ranging from electronics, computers, communication, outer spacejaerospace, biomaterials, biotechnology and advanced composites. Many phenolic resin systems are actively involved in the "leading edge" of these innovative technologies. Thus, they demonstrate an uncanny versatility to be adaptable to prevailing times as today's society is transforming from an industrial to an informationjcommunication society. The excellent participation at the recent scientific symposia and the acceptance of the early edition "Chemistry and Application of Phenolic Resins" by A. Knop and W. Scheib- including the Japanese and Russian translation- by the industrial and chemical community demonstrated a high Ievel of interest in the broad subject of phenolic resins and has provided the stimuli of this present publication. This volume covers fundamentals, the chemical and technological progress, and new applications including the Iiterature generally up to July 1984. Special emphasis was assigned to advanced instrumental and analytical techniques and environmental aspects.