Britain 1783-1918

Bok av Derrick Murphy, Richard Staton, Patrick Walsh-Atkins
A revised and expanded edition of the bestselling Britain 1815-1918. Includes historical interpretations, document source questions, explanation of difficult words and concepts and a study skills section for exam preparation. Study and examination skills 1 William Pitt the Younger 1783-1801 2 Britain 1783 -1918: a synoptic assessment 3 The Tory Party 1815-1830 4 British Foreign Policy, 1815-1846 5 The Great Reform Act of 1832 6 The Whigs, 1833-1841 7 Sir Robert Peel and the Tory/Conservative Party, 1830-1846 8 Chartism 9 Economic change 1815-1846: the growth of railways 10 British domestic politics, 1846-1868 11 British foreign policy in the Age of Palmerston, 1846-1868 12 A mid-Victorian boom? Economic and Social history 1846-1868 13 Gladstone and the Liberal Party 14 The Conservative Party of Disraeli and Salisbury, 1868-1895 15 Foreign and imperial policy, 1868-1895 16 Social and economic change, 1868-1896 17 The era of Conservative domination and the rise of Labour, 1895-1906 18 Joseph Chamberlain and the Empire, 1895-1905 19 Britain and Ireland 1798-1921 20 Ireland and British politics, 1895-1922 21 The Liberals in power, 1905-1915 22 Britain and the origins of the First World War, 1898-1914 23 British economy and society, 1896-1914: challenged and transformed? 24 Public health and welfare 1834-1918 25 The political, social and economic impact of the First World War 1914-1918 Further Reading Index