National 4/5 Modern Studies Course Notes for New 2019 Exams : For Curriculum for Excellence Sqa Exams

Bok av Elizabeth Elliott
Exam Board: SQA Level: N4/5 Subject: Modern Studies The National 4 & 5 Modern Studies Course Notes provide comprehensive guidance for the entire CfE programme. Course Notes give a practical, supportive approach to help deliver the new curriculum and offer an appropriate blend of sound teaching and learning with exam and assessment guidance. Progress and attainment for all * A complete core resource covering Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom, Crime and the Law and the international issue of Terrorism * Outcome and Assessment Standards are fully covered * 'Questions' and 'Activities' provide opportunities to apply knowledge and put skills to work * 'Learning checklists' enable students to monitor progress regularly Active learning * 'Make the link' features encourage broader thinking between and across subjects * 'Hints' and 'Think points' give helpful tips and develop critical thinking skills * 'Case studies' explore how issues studied have an impact on real-life people and events Assessment and practice you can rely on * Detailed 'Assessment' section covers all the skills students will need to succeed.