Sex Recharge

Bok av Ian Kerner
The premise of this book is simple: When it comes to sex, dating, and relationships, sometimes we get in so deep the only way out is to start over again. In Part One, Ian Kerner introduces the basic underpinnings of the Detox program. Just as a physical fast, or change in diet, will rapidly alter your metabolism and natural body chemistry, so too will a sex/dating detox impact your neurochemistry, enabling you to reset, rewire and, ultimately, rejuvenate your love life. Not only will it help readers to turn off the noise and find peace of mind, it will help them transform that new mindfulness into actions that reverberate throughout every aspect of their lives.Part two is programmatic, and is divided into sections for couples and singles. Kerner lays out a course of action for to follow over a focused 30-day period that includes quizzes, diagnostics, self-reflection assignments, and exercises. Those in a relationship will learn to see themselves through their own eyes rather than their partner's. They will come to understand their sexual history as more than just a series of physical encounters, but rather as connected experiences in which the whole is so much greater than the sum of its parts.For singles, the "Dating Detox" will give then a give a chance to step off the dating treadmill, catch their breath, and recover inner strength for the road ahead. In Part Three, Kerner focuses on rejuvenation (and re-connection). Those in a relationship will experience the 'thrill of the chaste' and learn how to touch their partner with a renewed sense of passion and possibility. Singles will recalibrate their aspirations to connect to potential mates from a place of strength and self-knowledge that will eventually bring long-term compatibility.