Into Extra Time : Living Through the Final Stages of Cancer and Jottings Along the Way

Bok av Michael Paul Gallagher
Into Extra Time comprises the powerful reflections of Fr Michael Paul Gallagher SJ which he wrote during the final months of his life following a diagnosis of cancer.'Never has faith seemed so real. This is not out of fear (as some atheists might suspect), but out of a discovery of the quiet reality of God with me in all this.'While undergoing several cycles of chemotherapy and ultimately passing into palliative care, Fr Michael Paul documented his journey - physical, psychological and spiritual - in a diary which is included in this book alongside other notes and insights, and two theological essays: on death and on concern for unbelief. 'I am, dare I say, enjoying God with me in this strange space. There is huge freedom at times, and of course a shrinking into small fears at times too. Each day has its lights and shadows, its pendulum from yes to no. But the 'no' is always weaker, provoked by some lack of energy or vision. The 'yes' music returns, not as joyful acceptance but as quiet readiness - unalone.' The whole is a remarkable testament to the life, intellect and spiritual sensitivity of a much-loved author, theologian and priest, which offers light to others looking for guidance in times of struggle.