Millennial Money: A Young Person's Guide to Sustainable Financial Comfort In 21st Century Britain

Bok av Andy Leishman
Below inflation pay rises...the increasing cost of living...the rise of the gig economy...the housing crisis...Brexit! Political hot potatoes in the current day and age, never far away from the front pages. These issues, combined with the forces of globalisation, have given rise to an increasingly common narrative in recent times, where younger people are depicted as being under siege - the first generation predicted to be less wealthy than their parents - perpetual renters who'll never own their own home and will be working well into their 70s - innocent victims of the excesses of generations past. Some younger people dream of being rich. Some dream of just being comfortably well off. Some don't care about money at all. This e-book isn't about getting rich. It's also not about getting by. It's about becoming comfortably well off as a younger person in the current day and age in spite of all these pressures and challenges, and sustaining this comfort. It's about defying the narrative