The World Above

Bok av Michelle Bennett
Brin and Linny are Cousins and live on Taymon, which is a magical world of Witches and Wizards. Governs are chosen to oversee the running of the villages, but the trees have the final say. Its long been told not to upset the trees, but no one knows why! For as long as anyone can remember, the rumours and stories claim that there is another world above Taymon, where there is no magic but lots of experience. No one talks about whether the rumours are true and Linny, like many others before her, becomes obsessed with finding out. Only the trees decide who can find out the truth. Linny is eventually chosen by the trees to seek the truth. Brin won't let her go alone, so he takes the climb with her. His mistake is that he wasn't invited and the trees are incensed! The trees want him back, and now he's protecting Linny while fighting to stay alive.