Dialogic Semiosis : An Essay on Signs and Meanings

Bok av Jorgen Dines Johansen
A study of C. S. Peirce's conception of the sign, with a critique of Saussure and Hjelmslev, Dialogic Semiosis presents a semiotics of the production, transmission, and interpretation of signs in human communication. Jorgen Dines Johansen studies the process of sign creation, how signs fulfill their office of transmitting information between human agents, chiefly through a study of human speech. In the first part of the book, Johansen focuses on Hjelmslev's concept of the sign and the study of semiotic systems. In Part II, he undertakes a detailed explication of Peirce's concepts of the process of signification with the intention of inducing readers to think semiotics with Peirce. In the conclusion, Johansen analyzes a specific micro system from both Hjelmslevian and Peircean perspectives and summarizes the basic features of an intentionally produced semiotic.