NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1993

Bok av Olivier Jean Blanchard Stanley (EDT) Fischer Olivier Jean Blanchard
This is the eighth in a series of annuals from the National Bureau of Economic Research that are designed to stimulate research on problems in applied economics, to bring frontier theoretical developments to a wider audience, and to accelerate the interaction between analytical and empirical research in macroeconomics.Contents U.S. Commercial Banking: Trends, Cycles, and Policy, John Boyd and Mark Gertler * The Effects of Government Purchases: Theory and Evidence, Anton Braun and Ellen McGrattan * Macroeconomic Growth with Microeconomic Empirics, Ricardo Caballero and Adam Jaffe * The Chinese and East European Routes to Reform, Alan Gelb, Gary Jefferson, and Inderjit Singh * Waiting and the Option to Invest: Theory and Evidence, Robert Pindyck and Andres Solimano * Unemployment in Europe, Gilles Saint Paul