You Can Be As Young As You Think : Six Steps to Staying Younger and Feeling Sharper
Bok av Tim Drake
Do you have an old brain or a young brain?
Think carefully, because how you answer this important question could be one of the most significant predictors of how well youll live the rest of your life.
In this fast-moving, fast-changing world, it is important that we remain vital, relevant and useful. Growing old gracefully, where physically and mentally we quietly fade into obscurity, is no longer an option and the expectation that we will stay younger for longer has never been greater.
A young brain is the antidote to ageing and You Can Be As Young As You Think shows you exactly you how you can get one.
Through six easy-to-follow and life-changing steps, youll find out that ageing is all in the mind and discover how, by developing a younger brain, you can live a more fulfilled, rewarding, successful and happy life.
The benefits of living your life with a young brain are vast. In your personal life youll have more fun, be more adventurous and be more excited. Youll laugh more, get on better with your family and strangers will more easily become friends. Youll be more interested and interesting, embrace new technology and feel better connected to popular culture and the modern world.
In your professional life youll be more creative, more responsive, and better at managing change. Youll be recognised as someone whos fresh, vital, full of bright ideas and always thinking one step ahead. Youll be more dynamic, more confident, more ambitious, a better team player and stand out as an innovator whos more willing to take risks.
Whilst many of us are agonising over the outward signs of ageing, it seems we are completely ignoring the insidious, gradual decline into tired, outdated and old thinking that until now might have been seen as an inevitable part of getting older.
Well, it doesnt have to be that way and You Can Be as Young as You Thinkoffers a scientifically sound blueprint for successful anti-ageing. Its a unique opportunity to rediscover freedom - the freedom to be open, to be flexible, to be exuberant.
The book contains an enlightening Brain Age Calculator which will examine your thinking and reveal the true age of your brain, often with surprising, and very thought-provoking results!
Then the authors will take you step-by-step through the principles behind their Six Wisdoms of Youth and coach you in systematically training your brain to think and feel young.
The great thing too is that it doesnt matter how old you are now for this exciting programme to revolutionise your life. If youre young then this book will stop you from ever developing those mental cobwebs that will slow you down and clog up your brain. If youre middle-aged and worrying youre already becoming out of touch, the book will quickly stop the rot and help you rediscover the younger you. And if youre older and maybe wish you werent, this book will help...