Parenting Guide to Your Toddler

Bok av Paula Author Spencer
LET THE EDITORS OF PARENTING MAGAZINE HELP YOUGET THE MOST FROM THE TODDLER YEARS!Expert guidance and smart, hands-on advice have made PARENTING magazine the preferred child-care resource for today's parents. The PARENTING books offer the same great mix of helpful, practical information and reassurance on raising children today. Now, PARENTING Guide to Your Toddler offers a step-by-step resource to the most challenging stage of your child's development:Developmental Milestones: Your child's first complete sentence, first friend, first tricycle - Growth patterns, physical coordination, and identifying developmental delays - The fast-changing emotional life of the toddlerThe Myth of the Terrible Twos: Understanding how and why a toddler declares independence - Choices and self-control - Dealing with fears, clinginess, and aggressive behaviorHealth and Safety: Common toddler ailments - Scheduling immunizations - Safety away from homeDaily Routines: Why regular family meals matter - Delicious, healthy snacks - Stress-free bedtimes and well-timed napsThe Do's and Don'ts of Discipline: Dealing with tantrums in public places - Choosing your battles (and letting your toddler win some) - Using time-out effectivelyHaving Fun Together: Identifying your child's unique play style - Activities toddlers enjoy most - Chores your toddler will love to do