Naked Without Shame
Bok av Aiye-Ko Ooto
If humans are the state of the heart, then our hearts suffers five conditions. This is vividly painted in the anthology "Naked Without Shame". Aiye-Ko-Ooto, peels back the torture the human endures in 50 poems in five movements. First, the heart "Echoes Inside" -This is a period of believing, that everything is possible. the heart is youthful and willing ot do whatever it takes to be accepted. Second, the "Rain Soaked Sky" - when the heart sees the possibilities of community and union. Hopes are high there is a promise of a seat at the table if the sacrifice is made.Following the sacrifice the heart experiences a "weathering of the gem". Disappointed of not been counted as worthy of the freedom it fought for. Then, it suffers "Sleepless Road of Night" - wandering aimless not knowing where it belongs. Is there a need for a battle after the war? Without a leader, the adversaries plunder hopes and ambitions. Lastly, "What the Sea brings back to Shore". The realization of much less than it deserves