Corrected King James Version Mark : English Greek Diglot Black Print Edition

Bok av Shaun Kennedy
Mark is the shortest of the gospels, even though in parallel stories, Mark often gives the most details of the Synoptic Gospels. For example, Mark and Luke include the detail that the paralytic was lowered from the roof, and Mark and Matthew include the reasons that John was arrested in more detail than Luke. Mark gets a reputation for being the most hurried and spectacular gospel. I think this honor should go to Matthew. In sharp contrast, I think Mark is actually more grounded. For example, in the Gospel of Matthew, the cursed fig tree withers immediately, whereas in Mark the same curse takes a few days to play out. Matthew brings the paralytic to Jesus's feet, but Mark includes the details that he was lowered through the roof. Only Mark includes the second rooster crow before Peter's denial. Mark spells out all the stories, stretching out every event and detail. Instead of telling the Gospel as an epic like Matthew, Mark is telling it with realism.