The Legacy of President Xi Jinping of China - A Study of Social Instability, Human Rights Violations, Civilian Suffering and Communism in the People's Republic of China

Bok av Dr Mark O'Doherty
The so-called government of China argues that its concept of "social stability" requires that the welfare of the collective should always be put ahead of the rights of any individual whenever conflicts between these arise. The fallacy and error of this policy is that it is enforced by the Communist Party of China (CPC); a few key figures in the party, who have not been democratically elected by the people. As evidenced by the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, the people of China have asserted their right for democracy and universal suffrage, which the CPC is still suppressing with an iron fist to this day - China still being a one-party state, with no opposition party being permitted to challenge the monopoly on power of the CPC government... It should also be noted, that the Supreme People's Court of China - under Chief Justice Zhou Qiang - is an utterly incompetent legal community, guilty of blatant human rights violations in all 22 provinces of China; and hence a disgrace to the International Community.