The Resignation of President Xi Jinping and the Implementation of Universal Suffrage in China - Interviews with Pyrite, Archangel Ariel and Harvey

Bok av Dr Mark O'Doherty
Human rights activist Wang Meiyu, 38, was detained after he stood outside the Hunan provincial police department holding a sign that called on President Xi Jinping to resign and implement universal suffrage in China. He was later charged with "picking quarrels and provoking trouble," a vague offence often given to dissidents. Wang, who began his work as an activist when his home was forcibly demolished, has been detained and suffered torture before. In 2018 after he held up the placard calling for President Xi's resignation, police stormed into his home - victimizing, threatening and torturing him. Wang died on 23rd September 2019, after suffering torture in Chinese custody; bleeding from his eyes, mouth, ears and nose. The author's opinion: President Xi should take Wang's brave call for universal suffrage to heart, and implement universal suffrage in China; so that democracy and civil rights - including freedom of religion for Muslim minorities - can finally be manifested for all 1.4 billion people in China.