Arvtagaren, #3


Bok av Christopher Paolini
4 röster
Following the colossal battle against the Empires warriors on the Burning Plains, Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, have narrowly escaped with their lives. Still there is more at hand for the Rider and his dragon, as Eragon finds himself bound by a tangle of promises he may not be able to keep. First is Eragons oath to his cousin Roran: to help rescue Rorans beloved, Katrina, from King Galbatorixs clutches. But Eragon owes his loyalty to others, too. The Varden are in desperate need of his talents and strengthas are the elves and dwarves. When unrest claims the rebels and danger strikes from every corner, Eragon must make choices choices that take him across the Empire and beyond, choices that may lead to unimagined sacrifice. Eragon is the greatest hope to rid the land of tyranny. Can this once-simple farm boy unite the rebel forces and defeat the king?
Välj utgåva
BrisingrFinska - Okänt
ISBN: 9789513160838
BrisingrSvenska - E-bok
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BrisingrEngelska - Pocket
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BrisingrFinska - Pocket
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BrisingrSvenska - Ljudbok
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