Britain and Russia in Central Asia : 1850s-1870s

Michell, John and Robert, comp. and tr. - "The Russians in Central Asia: Their Occupation of the Kirghiz Steppe and the Line of the Syr-Daria; Their Political Relations with Khiva, Bokhara, and Kokan; Also Descriptions of Chinese Turkestan and Dzungaria". By Capt. Valikhanof, M. Veniukof, and Other Russian travellers (London, 1865). Anthology includes 1858 Russian mission to Khiva, Valikhanov on Kashgar in 1859, Veniukov on the Chu Valley, Russia's establishment on the Aral Sea and the Syr-Daria, and Zalesov on Russo-Bukharan relations 1836-43 (with a full account of Stoddart and Conolly as prisoners); compilers are sympathetic to Russia, deem Russian invasion of India a 'phantom' Omit Valikhanov and Veniukov and use them as #D.1 Trench, Capt. Frederic Chenevix - "The Russo-Indian Question Historically, Strategically, and Politically Considered" (London, 1869). On the basis of Russian sources, the author covers Western and Eastern Turkestan and Afghanistan; although no Russophobe, he urges British taking of Kandahar to obviate concern about Russia's possible advance to Herat once its railway reaches the Amu-Daria. Omit sections on Eastern Turkestan and use them as #D.2. Romanovskii, D. I. - "Notes on the Central Asiatic Question" (Calcutta, 1870). By the military governor of Turkestan; tr. of Russian edn, 1868. Kostenko, Capt. L. F. - "Description of the Journey of a Russian Mission to Bokhara in 1870" (London, n.d.). Tr. from Russian edition, 1871; first published as articles in Ministry of War journal, 1870. Vambery, Arminius - "Central Asia and the Anglo-Russian Frontier Question "(London, 1874). Articles on current affairs originally published in 1867-73, critical of British indifference to Russia's advance. Burnaby, Captain Fred - "A Ride to Khiva" (London, 1877). Unofficial visit in 1875-76 by a well-informed, adventuresome English officer on leave [Russia Observed Series, NY: Arno Press, 1970; also London, 1983; Oxford UP, 1997]. Malleson, Col. George Bruce - "History of Afghanistan ...1878" (London, 1878). Chapter XII (24 pages) on 'Russian and English Policy in Central Asia',covering 1854-78, is particularly valuable for the Great Game [Peshawar, 1984].