High Gain, High Power Free Electron Laser: Physics and Application to TeV Particle Acceleration

Bok av Italy) (1988 : I.N.F.N. International School on Electromagnetic Radiation and Particle Beams Acceleration Varenna
During the past few years the physics and technology of charged particle beams on which electron-positron linear colliders in the TeV region, storage rings from synchrotron radiation sources and Free Electron Lasers are based, has seen a remarkable development. The purpose of this series of schools is to address the physics and technology issues of this field, train young people and at the same time provide a forum for discussions on recent advances for scientists active in this field. The subjects chosen for this first course reflect the recent interest in TeV electron positron colliders, the possibility offered by Free Electron Lasers to power them and the developments in the production of high brightness electron beams.