Heine the Tragic Satirist : A Study of the Later Poetry 18271856

Bok av S. S. Prawer
In this edition, which was originally published in 1961, Dr Prawer follows his study of the Buch der Lieder with a full-length study of the later works of Heine. A brief introductory study of the Buch der Lieder is followed by detailed treatment of Neue Gesichte, Atta Troll, Deutdchland, ein Wintermrchen, Romanzero, Gedichte 1853 und 1854, and the poems in the posthumous Letzte Gedichte und Gedanken. Dr Prawer extracts and relates to Heine's life the underlying themes in his poetry; those, and the consistent careful analysis of the poems, makes his book an excellent introduction to the poet's work.