The Prodigal Within

Bok av Karen Hicks McCants
The Prodigal Within was written for everyone, especially those who have been violated, abused, wounded, beaten, hurt and those who have just been cast out and left to die. It is about challenges, rising up and overcoming in life, its hindrances and pitfalls. A true story about a young girl who finally rose up to conquer that which was determined to conqueror, subdue and destroy her. It is about taking a stand and making a difference and then being the difference in the lives of others. The Prodigal Within is a book about life, the good, the bad and the ugly and what I call the nasties. Specifically it is about rising up and overcoming. Becoming the person that God created you to be, not the person you are perceived to be. Overcoming sexual abuse, mental and emotional abuse, physical abuse and the victim mentality that is so deeply associated with abuse. Overcoming the lies that are whispered in the ear that continually say, God must be very angry with you, or you must have done something really bad to deserve this. Hope, dignity and innocence are seemingly forever lost and life has no purpose but to serve the whims of others. However the plain and simple truth is God is not mad with you, and He is not out to do you harm. The truth is He loves you with a relentless and deep passion and wants you to know that no one deserves to be abused. The truth is God is for you and not against you. The Prodigal Within is about overcoming the self-hatred and destructive behavior tendencies that are rooted in and attached to abuse. This book points out what happened in a family where there was a lack of parental insight and oversight. The thoughts of suicide, death, and destruction that are loosed and run wild and even play out in the mind even as weeds that spring up in a beautiful manicured garden. The beauty of The Prodigal Within is that hope, dignity and yes even innocence and true passion can be fully restored no matter what the personal age. It is about making a choice, a decision to grow up in God and therefore grow up in ones salvation that will allow undisputed liberty and freedom to arise. Freedom of finding a deep inner resolve and a fresh daily strength to stand and persevere and to achieve the highest and best out of what was once total chaos. It is the story of how one abused young girl though full of anger, hatred, and bitterness finally decided enough was enough and cried out to God and then rose up and made a bold stand. In so doing she went from being a victim of abuse and having a victim mentality, to one who arose like a phoenix from the ashes of death and began to overcome and to conquer. She rose up in dignity with godly strength and joy to fly and soar. Though the process was long, arduous and sometimes very painful she persisted and prevailed. Her life is a living testimony of the power of God at work in a heart and soul that is truly open to being fully transformed and restored, healed and made whole. Today she ministers powerfully in the Love of God as she watches as others of abuse are set free, transformed, restored and made whole.