Grade-K English : Full Year Curriculum
Bok av Lan Olude
Godly Learners Kindergarten English Language Arts is a foundational resource for obtaining necessary components of English language often disregarded in most mainstream materials. Although it is becoming commonplace for pupils to exit the primary grade-levels unable to read, write, or even articulate on par with standards of Noah Webster?s day, Godly Learners Kindergarten English Language Arts attempts to lay the groundwork for the English Language, introducing new phonics-based principles one step at a time at a pace appropriate for the pupil. Although orthography is just a fancy word for ?spelling,? be prepared to understand the logic of American English to equip learners with the knowledge for mastering concepts often overlooked. Also, godly virtues are taught within the Text Comprehension segment with lively and friendly animal characters. This is designed to instill godly character and morality into each student, providing them access to knowledge of eternal value, once applied.