The Best Team to Inspire Change : As Illustrated By: (A) Obama's "Change We Can Believe In," (B) Hillary's "A Leader Who Can Inspire," (C) Oprah's "Odds: Obama 1, Osama O(h)," (D) Patricia II's "We're

Bok av Benjamin Franklin Camins Patricia D. Reynoso
Out of literally hundreds of people who have crossed our paths, there is no doubt that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have inspired a change in our own lives best! We have written this book to pass on to you, our Readers, what we have learned about those who have been the inspirational change models in our lives - topped by the best examples of Obama and Hillary - because we think they and especially he and she can make a difference in your own lives as they have inspired us to change our own for the better! The messages of the 52+ lyrics in this book are on lifelong love, forever friendships, and deathless dreams. Obama and Hillary do not only communicate these messages; they have also lived them. They encapsulate the entirety of both their lives and experiences. Because they are universal messages, they are always up-to-date. They are the answers to 3 basic philosophical questions about human existence: -Where did you come from? -Why are you here? -Where are you going? The respective answers to these universal questions are: -I came from the life created by the union of a man and a woman in love. -I am here on earth to make many friends. -I am going to fulfill all my dreams!