Abuse Beaten : From Victim to Victor

Bok av Crystal Mary Lindsey
How could she leave? FEAR had a strangle hold! And yet, how could she continue on? She felt trapped!She lived in constant DREAD Of Making Her Spouse Angry.A young innocent girl starved for affection meets a HANDSOME man,. Desiring for him to fill an emptiness in her life, she is willing to do anything for him. In her naivety she believes this will make him love her. His feelings for her, are POWER and LUST not LOVE! This man is a Narcissist and by remaining loyal to him she ultimately ends up suffering - COMPLETE BETRAYAL - being used and abused. * A backyard abortion at sixteen *Marriage to a man who only cares for himself *Cultural diversity - Fear and shame used to control her *Physical abuse - Beaten, and slapped into surrender for the first seven years. *Then mental control - he only had to look at her in a certain way and she froze. -Self confidence and worth striped away, followed by anxiety and fear *Spiritual abuse - No spiritual freedom. She was persecuted and ridiculed for her belief in God. *She witnesses the abuse of her children and when trying to stop him she was savaged. *She became constantly aware of her husband?s unfaithfulness. Having suffered hurt and shame the author hopes by writing her story it will help others from falling into a similar trap. Although now is a different age in time with more education and discussion, abuse still thrives and women still remain silent. Cara escaped this marriage when she was almost fifty, going on to gain a professional career.