How Not to Melt a Snowflake : All the Things That Are Still Safe to Talk about Without People Flipping Out

Bok av John Swift
It used to be that you didn't talk about religion or politics in polite company, but limited yourself to sports and weather.  Now, not even these topics are safe!  Is there anything we can still talk about?  John Swift has carefully researched the matter and can assure you that there are pages and pages of topics safe for 'polite company.' This is the book that Millennials wish their conservative friends and family knew all about.  Does your Millennial neighbor want to have a conversation but as a past advocate for 'tea party' principles, you found yourself tripping over one land mine after another?  Relax.  In "How Not to Melt a Snowflake" you will see laid out for you all the things that you can talk about, in public and private, without being pounced on and labeled a bigot--or worse.  While the days of 'intersectionality' are upon us, you will be glad to know that there are still 'safe spaces' that can serve as common ground, and John Swift has done humanity a service by documenting them for all of us.