Kwanzaa Is Satan! John 10 : 10 The Greatest Deception Of The 20th & 21st Century! Karenga - Kwanzaa - Kawaida (The Black KKK)

Bok av Barbara Ann De Loach
The Untold True Story, About Dr. Ron Karenga, The Creator of Kwanzaa, is Revealed This hard to put down, exposure of the "hidden truth; that could change, your Worldview and the Course of History! Jaw dropping secrets, hidden for decades; are revealed, in this book; written by a former member, of the US Organization, in the '60's! From the perspective, of the Author, and Barbara's exceptional research is an eye-witness, eye-opening, and shocking account, about the inner-workings, of the US Organization, in The Black Power Movement, of the '60's & the 70's!