Living Over Existing : How to Push Past the Mental Barriers That Are Holding You Back from Success

Bok av Alisha Robertson
What is stopping you from building the brand of your dreams? Not having the time, the money or maybe you're just unsure HOW to get started? What if you were told that lack of know-how is typically the least of your worries when it comes to turning your idea into a profitable business and that you are actually the reason why your dreams havn't been turned into reality? What if you were told that what holds most creative women back from uncovering what they were called to do and making an income doing what they love, are the different mental obstacles like fear, comparison and self-doubt? Through Living Over Existing, Alisha Robertson shares her journey from being hopelessly lost and feeling insecure around people who seemed to have it all together, to taking a leap of faith and building her own online business, all while still struggling with many of those mental obstacles that tend to keep us stagnant. With a focus on authentic storytelling, strengthening your faith and providing actionable steps, Alisha will help you to uncover your purpose and move past the different barriers that are currently holding you back from living your life and building your business on purpose.