Let's Face Chaos Through Nonlinear Dynamics : Proceedings of 'Let's Face Chaos Through Nonlinear Dynamics' 7th International Summer School and Conference

Bok av Marko (EDT) Robnik Valery G. (EDT) Romanovski Marko (EDT) Robnik
This volume contains papers written by the invited lecturers and the contributors (short reports and posters). The papers do not necessarily cover exactly one-to-one what has been presented at the conference - for that we would need at least one thousand pages - but contains the material related to the presentations, either in the sense of a review (20 per cent) or in the sense of a new original contribution (80 per cent). The volume is a valuable source of scientific information in the general field of nonlinear science in its broadest sense, namely in the fundamental and applied physics, and in the interdisciplinary physics.
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