Raven's Chance

Bok av C Descry
JANE RAVEN ALEXANDER, A BRILLIANT ARCHAEOLOGIST, LIES TRAPPED IN A COMA . . .Modern medicine has done everything it can for her. She is now in a sanitarium where medieval therapies may break her out of her mental prison. No one suspects her mind is active and connecting to the morphic fields of other souls in their times.Descry explores Janes insanity through Jungian symbolism, Henri Bergsons work, and Rupert Sheldrakes concepts. His creation, Raven, travels back through time linking with other souls. In an attempt to find sanity, she morphs into the memories and experiences of those who caused her mind to shatter: The Professor who used her and tried to discredit her; the Grandmother who hated men and the male God; her Mother who lied to her; the academic scholars who, threatened by her conclusions, declared her insane; and the desiccated Ancients she found in a cave. This amazing work lets us explore the human conditionincluding human brutalityfrom an archaeologists point-of-view. Ravens Chance damns those who cause suffering as they use others for their own identity.