Scottish Ghosts : Legends and Lore

Bok av E. Ashley Rooney
Scotland is one of the most haunted countries in the world. With centuries of battles, seers, curses, and illicit romances, it is no surprise that Scotland has more than its share of ghost stories and legends. Learn about the many haunted castles with their creepy dungeons, secret tunnels, and winding passageways; and see a Green, White, or even an occasional Grey Lady. Follow the ambitious clans, the family feuds, and the constant troubles with the English. Reflect on the rich blend of Celtic myths and legends, and the fairy world. Scotland abounds with stories of kelpies, selkies, and mermaids, and tales of shape-shifting witches, ghosts, and family curses a not to mention its famous lake monster. Spend some time in historic, haunted Scotland a if you dare!