Renewing Your Spiritual Passion

Bok av Gordon MacDonald
Have you ever been too far from home to turn back yet too weary to want to continue toward your destination? "Renewing Your Spiritual Passion" looks at the journey we are on, as Christians, and poses just that question. All of us want to have the passion to be godly people. But too many times, having that passion is easier to talk about than to actually find or maintain. Do you have so many things to do, and do well, that you are unable to do them all? Are you tired and passionless about your spiritual journey? In "Renewing Your Spiritual Passion," Gordon MacDonald asks if there is a growing weariness of spirit among Christians and discusses what they can do to change that. Learn what is happening to you, why it is happening, and what you can do about it by "Renewing Your Spiritual Passion."