Determinng the Yield Strength of In-Service Pipe

Bok av David a. Burgoon Owen C. Chang Robert B. Francini
The Gas Pipeline Safety Research Committee (GPSRC) is one of several committees established by the ASME Center for Research and Technology Development. The scope and functions of the Research Committee are to ? Conceive, plan, and sponsor research required to increase the state of knowledge and practice related to pipeline safety ? Promote technology transfer ? Promote research concerning gas pipeline safety issues identified by other organizations ? Maintain liaison and cooperate with other relevant organizations regarding gas pipeline safety. The GPSRC identified the need for a project to determine the yield stress of in-service transmission pipelines. The committee's objective was to determine if hardness testing on inservice line pipe could be an acceptable alternative to the destructive testing or low yield stress requirements of DOT/OPS. Once this objective is attained, the results of the project could be recommended for use in support of a proposal to DOT/OPS for a rule change and to provide applicable enhancement for confirmation of yield stress in the gas piping code. The GPSRC approved the project and formed a steering committee to manage the