Substorms-4 : International Conference on Substorms-4

Bok av S Kokubun
Since the early 1990's, a large number of new data sets have become available as a result of both the highly successful ISTP satellite missions and extensive ground-based observations. The advance of computer networks has led to the effective exchange and treatment of these data sets, improving our ability to study dynamic behavior in the Earth's electromagnetic environment. Attempts have also been made to compare in an orchestrated fashion computer simulations with realistic boundary conditions resulting from in-situ observations in space. The Fourth International Conference on Substorms (lCS-4) was held at Lake Hamana, Japan on March 9-13, 1998. Over 220 researchers met to evaluate the progress that has been made in the past two years in understanding the essential components of the substorm process. ICS-4 featured 287 papers, 4 tutorial lectures, 64 invited oral presentations, 17 contributed oral presentations, 197 poster papers, and 5 summary presentations. This volume, the Proceedings, represents a snapshot of substorm research as of 1998.