Rewriting Composition : Terms of Exchange

Bok av Bruce Horner
Reimagining composition's key terms Bruce Horner's Rewriting Composition: Terms of Exchange shows how dominant inflections of key terms in composition-language, labor, value/evaluation, discipline, and composition itself-reinforce composition's low institutional status and the poor working conditions of many of its instructors and tutors. Horner demonstrates ways to challenge debilitating definitions of these terms and to rework them and their relations to one another in constructive ways. Each chapter of Rewriting Composition focuses on one key term, discussing how limitations set by dominant definitions shape and direct what compositionists do and how they think about their work. By exposing limitations in dominant conceptions of the work of composition and by modeling and opening up space for new conceptions of key terms, Rewriting Composition offers teachers of composition and rhetoric, writing scholars, and writing program administrators the critical tools necessary for charting the future of composition studies.