Three Plays by Isaac Chocron : Translation and Critical Study by Barbara Younoszai and Rossi Irausquin-Johnson

Plays. English
Bok av Isaac E Chocrón
Isaac Chocron explores with depth and humor family relationships we are born into and those we choose. Clipper reflects a father's opposition to his son's artistic endeavors and his plans to send him to the U.S. to make a man of him. The Ultimate Bliss and O.K. explore alternative family structures, introducing the threesome family unit. In The Ultimate Bliss, Paul, Leo and Pearl form a family, play word games, face stark realities and parent a child in common. In O.K., Mina, Angela and Frank profit from their threesome until buying and selling get out of hand; lyrics from Madame Butterfly suggest sacrifice and separation. Chocron's focus on family is wistful, daring, slightly scandalous and very entertaining.