African Religion, Philosophy, and Christianity in Logos-Christ : Common Ground Revisited

Bok av Emmanuel K. Twesigye
This book is both a major expansion and revision of Common Ground: Christianity, African Religion, and Philosophy. The original central thesis has remained unchanged. The central arguments in this book respond to the sensitive theological Christian dogma of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The book rejects this doctrine as theologically erroneous, uncharitable, and absurd. The author demonstrates the universal reality and sound logic of the efficacious existence of God's universal salvation and God's kingdom, beyond the confines of the traditional Apostolic Christian Church. God's universal Agape in creation is mediated through God's eternal Word (Logos-Christ). The creative and redemptive cosmic work of God in the Logos-Christ constitutes God's universal gratuitous process of creation and recreation or redemption. No human being or society is ever left out of this redemptive, universal free grace of God. This book has been primarily written for scholars, teachers, and advanced college students or serious readers in the fields of Theology, Philosophy, African Studies, African-American Studies, African Traditional Religion, Ecclesiology, Missiology, Comparative Religion, Cultural Anthropology, and Sociology.