Partially Hyperbolic Dynamics, Laminations, and Teichmuller Flow

Bok av Giovanni Forni
This volume collects a set of contributions by participants of the Workshop "Partially hyperbolic dynamics, laminations, and Teichmuller flow" held at the Fields Institute in Toronto in January 2006. The Workshop brought together several leading experts in two very active fields of contemporary dynamical systems theory: partially hyperbolic dynamics and Teichmuller dynamics. They are unified by ideas coming from the theory of laminations and foliations, dynamical hyperbolicity, and ergodic theory. These are the main themes of the current volume. The volume contains both surveys and research papers on non-uniform and partial hyperbolicity, on dominated splitting and beyond (in Part I), Teichmuller dynamics with applications to interval exchange transformations and on the topology of moduli spaces of quadratic differentials (in Part II), foliations and laminations and other miscellaneous papers (in Part III). Taken together these papers provide a snapshot of the state of the art in some of the most active topics at the crossroads between dynamical systems, smooth ergodic theory, geometry and topology, suitable for advanced graduate students and researchers.Non-specialists will find the extensive, in-depth surveys especially useful.