Broadband Networking

Bok av James Trulove
Broadband Networking shows you how to bring all the benefits of multiservice networks to your company, and build an infrastructure for audio, graphics, animation, full motion video - all types of real-time multimedia applications. Broadband Networking provides easy-to-understand material on service issues, such as latency and bandwidth, standards, and critical technologies, including The rapid deployment of voice over traditionally data-only networks with chapters on Voice over IP, Voice over Frame Relay, the IP PBX, video conferencing, and voice/video operations in the LAN. Emerging new technologies, such as dense wave-division multiplexing (DWDM). Delivery technologies coverage, including digital subscriber line (DSL), cable modems, wireless, and even satellite delivery With Broadband Networking, you'll learn how to: Reduce costs and add services with new bandwidth saving techniques o Expand a network's capacity, leverage infrastructure, and safeguard network privacy Prepare a network for the stringent requirements for two-way interactive video Lower WAN costs, enhance access capability, and make faster upgrades with frame relay Find out key networking options for supporting bursty data on LANs and WANs Learn practical information from top experts at leading-edge companies, such as Lucent Technologies, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Siemens, and MCI Whether you're a network manager, architect, administrator, or engineer, Broadband Networking brings together crucial information and insight for making the best possible decisions about today's most important networking technologies.