Rising to the Challenge : Lessons Learned From Guilford Technical Community College

The operational emphasis of this book is progressive and forward looking, underscoring the importance of forging strategic alliances, leveraging technology, and making performance-based decisions. But the authors also examine a fundamental aspect of the learning enterprise that is, has been, and will forever remain central to success: strong, consistent, and transformational leadership. Until this retirement in 2011, former GTCC President Don Cameron led the college for more than a decade, a longevity factor that studies indicate contributes significantly to evolutionary and transformational change. His leadership attributes--a clearly articulated vision, a willingness to take risk, consensus building, and strategic goal-setting--represent competencies that empower others and inspire commitment. This book goes far beyond showcasing the dynamic growth and success achieved by one college and one leader. Instead, it articulates enduring and demonstrated principles that can guide any college to loftier goals, greater achievement, and sustained excellence.