Thorns for a Seeker

Bok av Bala
The Indian Sage Ramana Maharshi compared the process of seeking Truth to how one might use a thorn (concept) to remove another thorn (concept) imbedded in ones flesh. Thorns For A Seeker contains a wonderful selection of thorns designed to help the sincere seeker of Truth to see through the illusion of separation.The book begins with a fascinating description of the impersonal event of Enlightenment that occurred through the body and mind mechanism of the author, Bala. There follows a collection of very sharp thorns that are both clear and concise. Any one of them could lead to the end of seeking. "This is a beautiful, profound, and helpful collection of pointers." Daniel Heller"Bala deftly points to the Truth and talks about enlightenment in his own unique way with clarity and authority."JoAnne Franz-Moore