Tackling America's Toughest Questions : Alternative Media Interviews

Bok av Francis A. Boyle
Testifying to his reputation worldwide for international legal expertise and political insight, Francis A. Boyle may be one of the few lawyers and scholars in the world who, over a long career, has enjoyed multiple interviews with most of the world's major media. He is knowledgeable of and has been questioned on a wide range of issues related to a succession of wars on several continents, nuclear disarmament and biowarfare, to the Middle East, to the self-determination rights of ethnic groups as diverse as the Bosnians, Tamals, Chechens, Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, Palestinians and others. This collection of media interviews compiles Francis Boyle's responses to questions concerning the most significant issues related to US government policy since September 11, 2001. Beginning with his interview on Fox's O'Reilly show directly after 9/11, this collection addresses the war in Afghanistan in its entirety: from the initial US military intervention to its 2008 escalation, from the war on terrorism to Guantanamo, the Patriot Act, impeachment, torture, and domestic infringements of the constitution and the anthrax attacks. It covers these issues both domestically and internationally, addressing both law and politics.