Travel Adventures - Gibraltar

Bok av Norman Renouf
When most people think about Gibraltar, the images that come to mind are of the Rock itself, the Barbary apes, and quaint British customs. While these things are all an integral part of the Crown Colony, they are only a small portion of what makes up the wonders of Gibraltar. It has a uniquely strategic location at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula, linked to mainland Europe by a narrow isthmus and overlooking the Straits of Gibraltar and North Africa. Scientists have ascertained that Gibraltar was a home for pre-historic man. Neanderthal skulls have been found here, along with tools, and it seems that Gibraltar was one of the last bastions for this early species of man before they became extinct about 30,000 years ago. Now, the area has its own unique species of wildlife, the Barbary Apes and you will, no doubt, be charmed by their antics. Gibraltar is the only place in Europe where monkeys roam semi-wild. There are amazing historic monuments here. The Shrine of Our Lady of Europe, was converted from a mosque by the Christians in 1462 and it now serves as a museum and church. The Tower of Homage was built around 1160. The Moorish Castle dates from 711. This guide provides all the details on these and many other sites, plus the history, the hotels, where to eat, the botanical garden, the caves and grottoes, how to climb The Rock, the best tour guides, and much more.