Crystal Grey : Alan Johnston, Ragna Robertsdottir, Sean Shanahan

Bok av Gavin Morrison
ADAPTATION is a project about the impact of design in people's daily lives and the 'redesign' of public spaces by the people who use them. We have invited artists who approach design and everyday life in various ways: Adams, APA (Akay, Kidpele and Made), Brett Bloom and Bonnie Fortune, Marjolijn Dijkman, Brad Downey, Ulrika Erdes, Dominic Hislop and Leopold Kessler. Their work ranges from examinations of the human use and construction of space in photographic documentation and research to interventions in specific locations in the city. Those interventions and investigations show how design structures public life. They suggest alternative ways to experience and use the city. With simplicity and ingenuity, they reveal design as a central force in shaping our daily lives. Presented by Peacock Visual Arts for Six Cities Design Festival. The Six Cities Design Festival is a project developed and managed by The Lighthouse, Scotland's National Centre for Architecture, Design and the City, and is funded by the Scottish Executive. You can also download a pdf of this publication at